Colorado Chapter
Colorado Chapter is a chapter of The Embroiderers’ Guild of America, Inc. We provide many opportunities to learn more about the needle arts. Membership is open to anyone interested in needlework, from beginners to experienced to experts.

9:30 am to noon on the 4th Tuesday, at Bethany Lutheran Church 4500 E. Hampden Avenue, Cherry Hills Village, Co. 80113. All meetings are held monthly (except June and December). All visitors are welcome to our meetings. If you enjoy stitching, you’ve found the right place! Our members would love to meet you!
General Information:
Chapter Officers:
President: Cynthia Land
Vice President/Program Committee: Program Committee: Leigh Akiyama, Cynthia Land, Joanna Lord and Karen Race.
2nd. Vice President/Membership: Leigh Akiyama
Secretary: Vivian Wilson
Treasurer: Marlene Capelle
EGA Region Rep: Debbie Klein