Saint Clare (1194-1253) was from a
wealthy noble family. She was promised to Francis of Assisi. When St.
Francis rejected marriage and his prosperous family, Clare chose to
follow him. He helped her establish a community that was the beginning
of the order of Poor Ladies who later became the Poor Clares. They
adhered to the Franciscan way of life, which includes humility and
poverty (living only on alms). Included in the activities of the order
were, and are, the making, embroidering and repairing of altar cloths
and vestments. For this reason Saint Clare of Assisi was chosen as the
Patron saint of embroiderers.
The Clare Award is given to a member of the Rocky Mountain Region who has given of themselves continually in the Region above and beyond the normal dedication of our members. Their noteworthy performance can be in several aspects: administration, teaching, works that show excellence in the art of embroidery or any other way which brings positive attention to our region and EGA through skill and attitude.
1989 Carole Rinard, Pajarito Chapter
1991 Nina Soltwedel, Colorado Chapter
1991 Jacqueline Winton, Manos Encandatas de Santa Fe Chapter
1992 Nancy Miller, Foothills Chapter
1994 Jody Gergens, Centennial State Chapter
1995 Barbara Loftus, Colorado Chapter
1995 Barbara Scott, Sandia Mountains Chapter
1998 Armida Taylor, Western Idaho Chapter
2000 Sharron Ruesewald, Pikes Peak Chapter
2003 Kay Haley, Western Idaho Chapter
2003 Bette Sargent, Foothills Chapter
2006 Becky Autry, Pikes Peak Chapter
2007 Connie Fudge, Silver Valley Stitchers Chapter
2008 Ann Pinfield, Colorado Chapter
2009 Wanda Anderson, Pajarito Chapter
2016. Karen Race, Foothills Chapter
2020. Janice Wood, Foothills Chapter
This award may be given:
1. One or more in any one year
2. None in the year.
3. No posthumous nominations will be accepted.
When the name of a member of the RMR is to be presented for
consideration for the Clare Award, the presenter must provide, in
writing, the name to be considered, chapter affiliation, a synopsis of
all EGA offices held, and a paragraph listing the reasons the presenter
feels the member should be a recipient.
Nominations are accepted by the region director up to four (4) weeks prior to the first region board meeting of the year so the nominations can be discussed and voted on by the executive board members at that meeting. Nominations received after the four (4)-week deadline, will be considered for the following year.
Each name presented will be considered on its own merit. The original
nomination information will be sent to all voting region board members.
Each name will appear on a separate ballot to ensure individual
consideration. A three-fourths (3/4) majority of the region board is
required for the award.
The nominator must provide, in writing:
1. Name of the nominee
2. Chapter affiliation
3. A paragraph listing the reasons the nominator feels the nominee should be a recipient.